Are you ready to manifesting anything you want into your life?
Looking closely at our everyday life, you will realize that the law of attraction is present all the time. Most people do not notice the connection because of the time lag between their thoughts and the manifestation of their thoughts. However, there are some things that happen to us that we feel happened as a result of a coincidence, not knowing it is the law of attraction that is at work. For instance, have you ever thought of calling a friend, and the friend calls you around that time? Or have you ever thought of picking up your phone, and your phone rings at that instance? These experiences are not coincidences; they are a result of the law of attraction.
Here's a sneak preview of what you'll learn from this book:
✓What the Law of Attraction is
✓The Science behind it
✓How to attract Love using the LOA
✓How to attract Money using the LOA
✓How to attract Happiness using the LOA
✓How to attract Health using the LOA
✓How to be more Positive using the LOA
✓How to Integrate the LOA into Your Daily Life
✓and much much more
Get your copy now