3This story is about a relationship between a child and eventually a woman and her Shona maid, in the lowvelds of a war-torn Zimbabwe. Seen through the prismatic eyes of Joanna, this is the source for a multifaceted and captivating story of people, culture and personalities. The story means a lot more than black and white. A raw and romantic perspective that can only be provided by someone who grew up in the midst of it all and who is able to brilliantly paint the picture in the language of her African heart. As brutal and beautiful as the reality of the wildlife and her roots - The Save Valley Conservancy, 3442kms squared in size and world-famous stature, her playground. Crazy parties, sad events, hate, love, motherhood and murder, lions and liars, the cowards and the courageous. Tears and laughter as loud and as beautiful as the backdrop of the African bush itself.