* Define what effective co-teaching is and what it is not;
* Engage students in evolving groups, using multiple perspectives for meaningful learning opportunities;
* Resolve differences in teaching and assessment practices;
* Respond to parents and students about inclusion and co-teaching concerns; and
* Organize and teach an equitable, inclusive classroom.
Concise and informative answers to questions posed by real teachers, administrators, and parents help you learn about the components of co-teaching. And vignettes about issues that arise in co-teaching situations will help you start conversations and solve day-to-day challenges inherent to co-teaching.
Whether you're already involved in co-teaching programs or are soon to embark on the effort, Teaching in Tandem provides knowledge and tools that you can use to create effective partnerships and powerful learning environments for teachers and students alike. Every teacher, principal, administrator, and paraprofessional who participates in co-teaching--or who is worried about how to address inclusion--needs this book.
An additional annotated resource list is available online, along with an ASCD Study Guide.