Based on the much-beloved Dragon Ball manga, this series will introduce a whole new audience to the fantastic adventures of Goku and his friends. For the first time ever, young Goku is exploring the world beyond his quiet forest home, training all the while to be as strong as he can be. From flying clouds to wish-granting dragons, Goku's new life is filled with more wonder and adventure than he ever could have imagined!
Into the Fire Is it hot in here, or is it just Fry Pan Mountain? The blazing rock is home to the terrifying Ox King--and the site of the next Dragon Ball. Oolong wants to stay as far away as possible, but Goku and Bulma dive headlong into the fire. Turns out, the Ox King can't stand the heat and wants Master Roshi to cool down the kitchen. If Goku can convince Roshi to help, the Dragon Ball is his. But does Roshi really have that kind of power? Or is the turtle guy toast?