Condition: New,UPC: 9781423246664,Publication Date: Sat, May 1, 2021,Type: Calendar/Blank Book ,
e loaded with essentials focusing on creating and using formulas efficiently and effectively. For beginners or experienced users, formulas are Excel's superpower that can be yours. Find hundreds of the most popular and useful functions for formulas fast and with clear succinct steps to get the task done. Curtis Frye, author of multiple books on Excel, creator of many videos and an experienced corporate trainer used his experience and knowledge to cover the most relevant use of formulas for users at different levels. Look for Excel 365, Excel 365 "Tips and Tricks", "Advanced" and "Pivot Tables" QuickStudy guides to have a complete power-user reference set. 6 page laminated reference guide includes:
Order of Operations
Creating Formulas
Using Tables in Formulas
Organizing Data Using Named Ranges
Summary & Statistical Functions
Counting Values in Cell Ranges
Performing Financial Calculations
Principal & Interest Payments
Calculating Present & Future Value
Calculating Time to Reach an Investment Goal
Performing Conditional Calculations Using IF & IFERROR
Logical Comparisons
Error Codes
Processing Text Using Formulas
Extracting Text From a Cell
Cleaning Imported Data
Combining Multiple Text Strings
Performing Date Calculations
Finding & Displaying Cell Values & Formula Text
Look Up Cell Values
Display Formula Text
Division, Decimals & Rounding
Dividing Values to Find Quotients & Reminders
Finding the Integer & Decimal Parts of Numbers
Rounding Numbers Up & Down
Generating Random Values
Auditing Formulas
Suggested uses:
Workplace - flat for easy storage and access at a moments notice to find a formula function you need to use, or to jog your memory for a function you do not use often
Company Training - reduce help-desk calls and keep productivity flowing for a team or for your entire company
Students/Professors - make lives easier for students in many majors needing Excel for data management and calculation