in a blue-collar town where her son Johnny and his friends hung out during their formative years in the sixties. They were good, fun-loving kids who did what kids do until they were gradually drawn into the troublesome events unfolding around them: a divisive war in Vietnam, raucous protests, and strained race relations. But through it all, Anna's home remained a refuge and, for a core of the boys, Anna became a pillar of strength for over forty years. Sweeping through almost half a century, Anna's Boys provides insight into the unique perspective of a baby boom generation that fought one war in its youth and, in later years, watched another develop in the Middle East. At times funny and heartwarming, at times moving and poignant, Anna's Boys tells a timeless story of personal commitment, loyalty, sacrifice and triumph, with characters you will learn to love, set in a small town that could very well be your own