9This workbook was developed to help teens and young adults with transitioning out of their home environment. The workbook begins with an explanation of what growing up is and continues through the life of a teen as they prepare to move out. Units include such topics as: current living situation, high school and college, getting a drivers license or state ID, looking for a job, interviewing, contract plans for parents and teen, building resumes, dressing for interview, rules and ethics of their job, sexual harassment in the workplace, setting up a checking account, cell phone management and addiction, budgeting their money, responsibility and accountability of driving, understanding current bills versus future bills, relationship building, taking care of themselves, process for looking for an apartment, independent living skills and morals/ethics. There are 34 worksheets/questionnaires that will address situations and choices that the teen will make and in many of the worksheets the teen will need to consider the pros and cons of their choices. In some situations this helps the teen to understand their choice making and how it could affect others while it also allows the teen to work through their choices and possibly change their mind as to the consequences or encouragement of the choice. It will also give the teen a chance to see exactly how much money they spend living at home versus how much money they will need to move out and live on their own. The workbook even goes into detail as to what appliances and kitchen utensils they should have and the cost of purchasing such things will be. The workbook includes medication management, appointments and safety as well as to teach the teen what responsibility and accountability really mean in this world and how it is perceived. There are examples, with explanations, of a personal check, payroll check, employment application, W-2 form and sample cell phone plans for the teens to work with. The units are greatly detailed