4Ideal for actual toddlers when parents are using the bestselling
Busy Toddler's Guide to Actual Parenting: From Their First "no" to Their First Day of School (and Everything in Between) parenting book by
Susie Allison,
The Montessori Toddler: A Parent's Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being by Simone Davies, illustrated by Hiyoko Imai, and
Best practices in Toddler Discipline from 1 to 5 without tantrums: Effective Strategies for Developing and Helping your Child by Mary Simmons, the six books in the Terrific Toddlers Series are
Time to Go!, New Baby!, Potty!, Bye-Bye!, Boo-Boo!, and
All Mine! The books are written by experts in the field and are critically acclaimed.
Time to Go!, Sometimes toddlers don't want to go! This is a book for toddlers about leaving when they don't want to or ending an activity they don't want to stop. Includes information for parents and caregivers about helping you and toddlers have an easier time when it's time to go.