9The updated edition of
Barron's SAT Subject Test: Chemistry includes:
- A full-length diagnostic test with explained answers
- Four practice tests that reflect the actual SAT Subject Test Chemistry
- All questions answered and explained
- Detailed reviews covering all test topics
- Appendixes, which include the Periodic Table; important equation, constant, and data tables; and a glossary of chemistry terms
Both teachers and test-taking students have praised earlier editions of this manual for its wealth of well-organized detail. Subject reviewed include the basics--matter, energy, scientific method, and measurements; atomic structure and the periodic table; bonding; chemical formulas; gases and laws; stoichiometry; liquids, solids, and phase changes; chemical reactions and thermochemistry; chemical reactions; chemical equilibrium; acids, bases, and salts; oxidation-reduction; carbon and organic chemistry; and the laboratory.
ONLINE PRACTICE TESTS: Students who purchase this book or package will also get access to two additional full-length online SAT Chemistry subject tests with all questions answered and explained.