See below for English description.
Georges et Harold se sont vraiment surpass?s: ils ont cr un MONSTRE Cette cr?ature est la plus rapide, la plus fut?e et la plus m?chante que le monde ait jamais connue. Je te pr?sente Mme Culotte Mme Culotte essaie de conqu?rir le monde avec l'aide de ses horribles robots et de sa coiffure ?pouvantable, et elle n'h?site pas ? tirer sur le cale?on de tous ceux qui osent contrarier ses plans, y compris le capitaine Bobette. La cruelle Mme Culotte aura-t-elle raison de nos h?ros? C'est ce que tu sauras en lisant ce livre.
George and Harold have really done it this time . . . they've created a MONSTER She's faster, smarter, and more evil than anything the world has seen before - she's Wedgie Woman With the help of her horrible robots and her horrendous hairdo, Wedgie Woman is on a mission to take over the world, and she'll give a whopping wedgie to anyone who stands in her way - including Captain Underpants. Will Wedgie Woman's wicked ways spell the end for our heroes? You'll have to read the book to find out. And in the meantime . . . watch your back
Original title: Captain Underpants and the Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman