See below for English description.
Carlos était un carlin,
Et pardon de vous le dire,
Mais le soir de l'Halloween
Il était en plein délire...
C'est l'Halloween et Carlos le carlin est à la recherche de délicieuses gâteries! Bonbons, chocolats, croustilles... il aime tout! Mais ne pensez même pas à lésiner sur la marchandise, car ce chien diabolique veut ses gâteries et il les veut maintenant! Carlos n'a pas peur de montrer ce que friandise ou bêtise signifie vraiment...
Carlos was a pug,
and I'm sorry to say,
on Halloween Eve
he'd get carried away...
It's Halloween, and Carlos the pug is on the hunt for something sweet to eat! Candy, chocolate, chips... he likes it all. But don't even think about cheaping out on the loot, because this devilish pup wants his treats and he wants them now! Let's just say, Carlos isn't scared to show us the true meanin of "trick or treat.
Original title: Pig the Monster