Thoroughly researched and written by Dr William Wright, an author and missionary who grew up in the same area of Ireland as the Brontë family, The Brontës in Ireland is a charming effort to bridge the gap in the family's history. The book begins in the middle of the 17th century with a five year-old Hugh Brontë, the family's grandfather, and follows his life onwards. Through his efforts, Wright scoured local resources, collecting stories, folklore and information about the family's past while living in Ireland, creating a biography rich with anecdotes from those who knew them.
Including illustrations of the Irish scenery, Wright conjures a beautiful image of the lives of the Brontë family before they began their literary careers. Republished by Read & Co. Books, this fascinating biographical account will capture the mind of any Brontë enthusiast and is a perfect read for those with a passion for their literature. This beautiful edition also includes the poem Thorp Green by Branwell Bronte