8What do you get when you take a young girl, Jennifer, who loves her Maine Coon cat, Mr. Tickles, and wants to get him another cat to keep company while she's at school? What happens after Jennifer and her mother find another cat one day while going to go shopping to get her some new clothes at mall and later finds it again when they have a pet carrier to bring it home in? What happens when her two cats meet for the first time? What happens after she discovers her new cat, who she has named Uno, has only one eye? What happens when a new girl, Hillary, who's in a wheelchair, joins her class? And last, what is the lesson the book tries to convey? All of these questions get answered in the award winning children's book "A Lesson My Cat Taught Me." This book was a runner-up in the 2011 Sharp Writ Awards - Children's Books Category. To see an image of the award the book had received please copy and paste the following URL http: //