Success on the MBE can often influence whether you pass or fail the Bar Exam. It is important to understand the issues of law tested on the exam and to learn how the exam questions are written to test your understanding of the law. With its comprehensive explanations of why one answer choice is the best answer and why the other choices are not, Strategies andamp; Tactics for the MBE 2 helps you gain the ability to select the best answer choice with certainty.
The 300 questions in Strategies andamp; Tactics for the MBE 2 are organized by subject area (Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law and Procedure, Evidence, Torts, and Real Property). Within each subject area, questions are broken down by subtopic, allowing you to locate and practice questions in your trouble areas. The answer explanations are clear and concise -- as you have come to expect from the Strategies andamp; Tactics series.
Strategies andamp; Tactics for the MBE features:
* Based on passage rates of students who used Emanuel Bar Review materials in California and New York for Bar Exams in 2008 and 2009.