8In August 2020, Nick Brossoit saw his doctor because of severe pain in his upper abdomen. After being sent to ER, the diagnosis was Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer and the prognosis: "Six months to a year." Nick agreed to Chemotherapy combined with experimental Immunotherapy, and a complex 10+ hour surgery, because he wanted to extend his life. That's what was going on externally ... what was happening internally, in Nick's heart, was quite different. Nick has always had a close, responsive relationship with God; he asked, "Why is this happening? What's going on?" GOD: "Nick, you are secure now and you are secure in the next life. This is for other people. Your assignment is to share your journey." "Nick is the best blend of Higher Education meets Holy Spirit gifting. He is bright and educated, yet so sensitive to God's voice and influence. He has the gift of blending the intelligent with the mystical in a way that makes it understandable." - Kurt Langstraat, Lead Pastor, North County Christ The King Community Church; author of "GOD 101"; Lynden, Washington "Virtually speaking from beyond the grave." - Frank Colacurcio; author of "365 Days"; Blaine, Washington "Leadership and passion for others." - Dr. Chip Kimball; Prague, Czech Republic "What it really means to 'walk in faith.'" - Caprice Hollins; author of "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Strategies for Facilitating Conversations on Race"; Renton, Washington "A story of tragedy turned into triumph" - David Quinn; Founder of; New York City, New York "A real inspiration, morale-booster." - Rodger Teig; Elementary School Principal; Lynden, Washington "Unwavering, natural faith ... it's addictive!" - Cari Landes; Bothell, Washington "A relationship with God through Life's 'stuff.'" - Jim Frey; retired School Superintendent; Lynden, Washington "A dynamic testimony of grace, love and power." - Brad Westering; "Incite the Mind - Inspire the Heart"; Seattle, Washington "Nick's book will change your life." - Shelley Bond; Seattle, Washington "The ability to listen and be present while simultaneously filled with God." - Rachelle Butz; Chief Technology Officer, Washington State Schools "Great life-story, inspirational, heartfelt." - Kerry Craig; Grocery Store Manager; Lynden, Washington