7If you're looking for a one-year, stand-alone, developmentally-appropriate, easy-to-use grammar program that will give your middle school writers the foundation in grammar they need, then look no further than Richbaub's Introduction to Middle School Grammar (Answer book & companion test booklet available at Richbaub's grammar books are for teachers who, like the author, a lifelong middle school ELA teacher, have learned that too fast, too shallow, or too intense is not the way to teach grammar. Slow, steady, and carefully spiraled is the route. Make a wide path for reading and writing--but keep a consistent, sensible flow of grammar in your teaching, too Richbaub's Introduction to Middle School Grammar is a complete, one-year grammar program that makes it easy for teachers to deliver a meaningful, developmentally-appropriate, and practical grammar strand of just the right scope to writers in grade 6, 7, or 8. Where it fits into your school just depends on where a foundational grammar strand is most needed. Because schools have different curricular demands, Richbaub's offers teachers a choice between a one-year worktext, Richbaub's Introduction to Middle School Grammar, that gives middle school writers a solid foundation in the most-important and relevant grammar concepts, or a two-year worktext series, Richbaub's Academy Grammar 1 & 2, that accomplishes the same goal but with a smaller footprint each year, spreading vital grammar concepts for middle school writers over a two-year span--and adding in extra lessons about punctuation and mechanics that pose particular trouble for middle school writers. Richbaub's Introduction to Middle School Grammar is a rigorous worktext that teaches with humor, "punny" cartoons, and puzzles. The helpful appendix clarifies some of the trickiest grammar issues teachers and students will face, bringing the total number of pages in Richbaub's Introduction to Middle School Grammar to 184.