Microwave and RF Design: Transmission Lines builds on the concepts of forward- and backward-traveling waves. Many examples are included of advanced techniques for analyzing and designing transmission line networks with microstrip lines primarily used in design examples. Coupled-lines are an important functional element in microwave circuits, and circuit equivalents of coupled lines are introduced as fundamental building blocks in design. The text and examples introduce the often hidden design requirements of mitigating parasitic effects and eliminating unwanted modes of operation. This book is suitable as both an undergraduate and graduate textbook, as well as a career-long reference book.
Key Features
* The second volume of a comprehensive series on microwave and RF design
* Open access ebook editions are hosted by NC State University Libraries at https: //repository.lib.ncsu.edu/handle/1840.20/36776
* 56 worked examples
* An average of 31 exercises per chapter
* Answers to selected exercises
* Focus on planar lines including microstrip
* A companion book,
Fundamentals of Microwave and RF Design, is suitable as a comprehensive undergraduate textbook on microwave engineering