World-renowned archaeologist Nina Wilde and her husband, former SAS soldier Eddie Chase, now lead a quiet life - the only real danger posed by their rebellious teenage daughter. Until, on a visit to a newly discovered temple, they're suddenly engulfed in a deadly hunt for an ancient weapon which threatens the entire globe.
From the bustling streets of Mexico City to the mountainous jungles of Guatemala, Nina and Eddie - with daughter Macy in tow - are the only ones who can prevent an apocalyptic evil seizing control of an unstoppable power.
Battling special operations soldiers and blood-thirsty cults, Nina and Eddie must once again risk their lives to save the world. . .
Praise for Andy McDermott: 'Action, adventure and mayhem aplenty' SCOTT MARIANI
'A writer of almost cinematic talent' DAILY EXPRESS
'Adventure stories don't get much more epic than this' MIRROR