2Welcome to the world of Family constellations. Family and other forms of constellations constitute one of the most effective and thrilling modern therapeutic / Counseling methods that will help you improve your relationships and life in general by allowing love to flow again. Not since Freud has the realm of psychology and Counseling seen such groundbreaking insights as those provided by Hellinger, the founder of Family constellations. Constellation work is a universal tool that will enable you to identify and resolve problems in any sphere of life, including personal relationships, health, and the workplace. This easy-to-read book comprehensively explains the method and theory of Family constellations. To augment understanding, the text is illustrated with detailed, authentic case studies from Indra's practice. The latest research and innovative applications of systemic constellations, such as organizational, structural, and table constellations, are also discussed, as well as relevant scientific research. Whether you are a layman or spiritual seeker interested in improving your life or a therapist / counselor interested in adding another dimension to your therapeutic skills arsenal, this book is an indispensable treasure trove of information and insights that will go a long way in helping you find true understanding about Family constellations and how relationships work. The second edition comes with a general improvement of language and grammar.