Condition: New,UPC: 9781481882767,Publication Date: Wed, May 1, 2013,Type: Paperback ,
6This soft skills workbook is an excellent tool for individuals preparing to look for or start new jobs, as well as individuals who are currently working but need to step back and evaluate their performance. It is a practical, helpful guide about acting appropriately and professionally on a job and addresses realities of the working world and how to cope with them, and not just ideal situations. Soft skills are the nontechnical skills and traits that an individual needs to function in the workplace. They include four sets of workplace competencies: oral communication skills, interpersonal and teamwork skills, personal qualities and work ethic, and problem solving and other cognitive skills. Two very important soft skills addressed in this workbook are work attitude and work behavior. Work attitude is the way an employee feels about his or her job and the approach to the job. It is internal and cannot be seen by other employees. A positive work attitude is the ability to carry out job tasks and work assignments with pride. Work behavior is the way an employee does his or her actual job and how the job gets done. It is usually a direct response to his or her work attitude. It can be seen by other employees. A positive work behavior includes the knowledge, hard work, dedication, and skill put into the finished product.