GRADES 4-8: Learn successful note-takings skills while mastering standards-aligned grammar skills with a 96 page hands-on, easy-to-follow resource.
INCLUDES: Curated templates and lessons to help make teaching grammar skills like sentence building, clauses, parts of speech, punctuation, and more a more hands-on experience that engages students in the learning process. Plus, photos and complete assembly instructions.
COMPREHENSIVE: This workbook is the perfect hands-on addition to any language arts curriculum and requires no extra research or prep work. Makes a great companion to the I'm Lovin' Lit Practice & Assess: Grammar workbook.
NOTE-TAKING CONFIDENCE: Targeted for upper elementary and middle school students to master great, effective note-taking skills. Students will learn organization, color coding, summarizing, and other essential skills while creating portfolios they can reference throughout the year.
WHY I'M LOVIN' LIT: Created by educator and best-selling blogger, Erin Cobb, The I'm Lovin' Lit series offers teachers an essential tool to help them teach engaging subject matter with confidence. These step-by-step resources simplify the art of teaching vocabulary and grammar to enhance any language arts curriculum and fit any learning style.