2In todays church, there is growing interest in learning more about what constitutes genuine worship theologically, historically, and devotionally. However, worship is not just another spoke on the wheel of the church program, but rather the very hub from which everything we do for God should emanate. In short, it is a lifestyle. In One Thing Needful, worship leader Dr. Gary M. Mathena aptly explains what worship is and why God wants us to practice it not just on Sundays, but every day. He reveals how our current worship is built upon more than twenty centuries of worship heritage, from the early church through the Reformation and contemporary worship cultures. Mathena shows why we should study worship as depicted in the Old Testament, especially tabernacle worship, the sacrificial system, the feasts and festivals, and the idea of covenant. He stresses that worship must be based on the Bible, and includes scriptural references to support this conclusion. In addition, he introduces seven key worship disciplines: Introduction to worship Theology of worship History of worship Tabernacle worship Music and worship The heart of the worship leader Lifestyle worship For pastors, music ministers, choir members, worship teams, and laypeople who desire to understand what it really means to worship God in spirit and truth, One Thing Needful offers an invaluable, inspiring guide.