In all six states, in their own words, the stories unfold. From a stalwart surfer on New Hampshire's tiny seacoast, to Maine's "Slim" Andrews and his one-man museum, to the Vermonter who builds extraordinary havens in the trees for those without hope of reaching them. Meet a couple in the Berkshire Hills determined to save a place they were told doesn't exist, and a cartoonist in Rhode Island who found an ingenious way for an entire city to say goodnight to those who need to hear it most.
It's a legendary part of America that's often caricatured, but rarely caught with such real-life candor and intimacy. Indeed, the Old Mainer in the tired-old joke was wrong: you can get there from here. And along the way, see New England in a whole new light, through the stories of some everyday Americans you'll never forget.