"The Organic Entrepreneur Economy depicts how Kansas City, Blue Springs, and Lee's Summit have triggered their growing entrepreneurial communities and economies, in our county. While radical, this economic development approach is framed by highly-experienced practitioners."
Robbie Makinen - Director of Economic Development and Government Relations for Jackson County, Missouri
Entrepreneurs are sprouting new ventures everywhere, but only a few cities and regions are able to attract high concentrations of these economic accelerators. Is it random chance, or is there a science to building a strong economy? There are experienced experts with theories and suggestive methodologies, but it turns out the proven method still uses infrastructures. The Organic Entrepreneur Economy depicts how little known "social" and "community" infrastructures are the key to fostering entrepreneurship and creating fast-paced economic growth.
The book details how to leverage a city or region's community of people to foster and accelerate the entrepreneurial potential in their city or region. There is no magic behind the infrastructures; rather the authors depict how human behavior has led community after community to succeed. Best of all, it does not require massive infusions of governmental or philanthropic funds; just the commitment to make it happen.
Authored by a diverse cast of experts with highly sought-after backgrounds in education, entrepreneurship, economic development, venture capital, and public utilities-supported communities; the book dissects the proven social and community infrastructures to depict how and why they work. The Organic Entrepreneur Economy promises readers a thought-provoking experience that, if implemented, will lead to immediate and lasting economic results.