, Kira, the infamous heroine of urban lit superstar Kiki Swinson's bestselling Wifey novels has survived violence, betrayal, and near-death to fight another day--but as she battles relentless inner demons, her most dangerous enemy may be herself . . .
After a bloody rampage and a ransom trap she never saw coming, Kira has managed to escape being kidnapped and getting caught in the crossfire of a vicious gunfight. But while her body is unscathed, her mind is another story. Because now, thanks to a vicious rival, she's lost everything. Her drug kingpin fiancé, Dylan, has been murdered, and Kira can't even spare the time to grieve because she's got to run for her life. On top of that, she's got zero dollars, and her car is off limits. With her whole family wiped out, there's only one person she can depend on--Dylan's right-hand man, Nick.
With the brutal crime scene crawling with cops, and a possible capital murder charge on their backs, Kira and Nick need to get to a safe zone fast. But that journey will have risks of its own, while Kira struggles against a full-on nervous breakdown that edges closer with every panic attack, and Nick navigates the streets that are getting hotter with every passing second.
Their best plan may not be good enough, and living another day could mean more casualties. But will there be anyone left to lose?