7Parent Power: How to Raise a Reading Superstar is for parents, guardians, tutors, church and community workers - any adult who wants to help children or teens increase their ability to read and write - and do it while having outrageous fun Using this book, readers will learn: -The first and most important way that children learn; -The fastest way to increase reading ability; -How to close the multi-million word gap with wealthy children; -How to nurture improvement in just minutes a day; -How children/teens can give them the secrets to motivating them to read; -The tricks medical students use to boost comprehension; -Fun games, activities, and exercises that stimulate learning and retention; -How to build a child's home library for free or very little money. Regardless of age, grade level, or background, whether a child is diagnosed with a learning disability, emotional disability, is taking medication, hasn't warmed up to books or is hostile to them, Parent Power provides keys to a reading revolution. Research shows that children who are intrinsically motivated to read - that is, children who are shown the power and joy of reading for enjoyment's sake - have a greater chance of becoming lifelong and capable readers.