d commercial success is a metric achieved by a select few. In 2020, Cardi B became synonymous with "record breaking" as her debut album
Invasion of Privacy went five times platinum and became the longest charting record by a female rapper in history. From streaming and charting to views, likes, retweets, and shares, Cardi dominates. Cardi B's ascension to stardom is pure 21st century: from welfare kid to unapologetic stripper; reality TV persona, to social media maven, to a household name delivering one of the consummately executed albums in rap history, it's easy to imagine future critics noting popular music as before and after the rise of Cardi B.
This in-depth look at
Invasion of Privacy explores the sexual politics of hip hop through a track-by-track breakdown of the album. It addresses questions like: How does the wage gap impact pop music? Has Cardi destigmatized sex work for artists? What would hip hop look like as a matriarchy? Each chapter explores the musicality and social constructs that shape the album and a new movement in femme rap.