2Everything you need to know about AUTOSAR 4.0.3 can be found in the 13,620 pages of the AUTOSAR specifications. Then why do you need this book? Quite simply, because the official AUTOSAR documents are written as a specification and not as a guideline What makes matters worse is that these documents are structured and formulated as requirements. This is perfect if you need to implement the AUTOSAR standard, but less so if you simply want to know how to use it. Furthermore, while PDF files are well-suited for searching, they can't compare with a handy book where you can easily add your own personal comments and attach nice little colored sticky notes. The AUTOSAR Compendium - Part 1 summarizes the first part of the AUTOSAR 4.0.3 specification, namely the Application Layer and the RTE. It explains all of the different attributes, their usage and logical connections with other parts of the specification. Moreover, it accelerates your work with AUTOSAR considerably by answering the most commonly posed questions. All this, enriched with practical examples of tool-configuration, ARXML-code, generated RTE-code and actual C-code implementations. The Compendium is a priceless reference for software architects and software engineers who work with AUTOSAR each day. If you have questions that aren't answered in this book, please let me know and I'll try to cover it with the next edition. For more information on this book, please visit: http: // or e-mail the author: