From opening day to the end of the season, Look at the Fields is dedicated to making sure God remains your coach.
This unique collection features sixty-three devotions, each with a baseball-themed anecdote that introduces a Christian concept. That's nine weeks-enough to carry summer baseball league players all the way through the season. Readers will learn to live each day as if it's opening day with Christ...all while absorbing numerous other lessons that will keep them centered in their faith.
Each devotion is a daily reading complete with a lesson, a Bible memory verse, and a prayer. Author Don Leypoldt, Jr. a sportswriter for the Bucks County Herald newspaper, hopes Look at the Fields will enable ballplayers to grow in their faith and draw closer to God even when a church family or fellowship group is not available.
This book is sure to find a home with high school and college baseball players, as well as youth pastors, as it helps readers continue making home runs for their faith-both on and off the field.