9Want help making sense of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? How does our current global situation fit into End Times prophecy? Think you know what the Bible really says about the last of the Last Days? Think again...Christian eschatology, or the study of the fate of humankind as revealed in the Bible, is a wide-ranging topic full of controversial interpretations and opinions. What worldwide cataclysmic event will mark the start of the Great Tribulation? (Hint: if you have to ask if the Tribulation has begun, it hasn't yet ) Will the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem be replaced by a Third Jewish Temple? How have the events and processes of the last 2,000 years of human history inexplicably and serendipitously (or, more accurately, by the Hand of God) brought us to where we are today--the End Times, these final days?Inspired by a lifetime of study of mankind's ultimate destiny, author Ryan Speakman presents the second installment in his unprecedentedly comprehensive study of the Last Days. Supported by Speakman's multiple visits to the Holy Land, These Final Days, Part 2 has been meticulously researched and provides a sober, reader-friendly-and often unconventional-analysis of the Bible's many scriptures, Old Testament and New, that foretell the final days of this present world.Whether you are a believer or a curious skeptic, this book will provide many surprising insights into the Biblical prophecies surrounding humankind's ultimate fate.