Barron's Regents Exams and Answers: Global History and Geography 2020 provides essential practice for students taking either the Global History and Geography "Transition Exam" or the "Global History and Geography II Exam", including actual recently administered "Transition Exams", thorough answer explanations, and an online access to an overview of the "Global History and Geography II Exam." All Regents test dates for 2020 have been canceled. Currently the State Education Department of New York has released tentative test dates for the 2021 Regents. The dates are set for January 26-29, 2021, June 15-25, 2021, and August 12-13th.
This book features:
- Four actual, recently administered Regents Global History and Geography "Transition Exams" so students can get familiar with the test
- Thorough explanations for all answers
- Self-analysis charts and Regents specifications grids to help identify strengths and weaknesses
- A detailed overview of the "Transition Exam"
- Test-taking tips and helpful hints for answering all question types on the "Transition Exam"
- A thorough glossary that covers all important terms, international organizations, agreements, and people from 1750 to the present
- A webpage that contains an overview of the "Global History and Geography II Exam" and answers to frequently asked questions about that version of the exam
Looking for additional practice and review? Check out Barron's
Regents Global History and Geography Power Pack 2020 two-volume set, which includes
Let's Review Regents: Global History and Geography in addition to
Regents Exams and Answers: Global History and Geography.