again....Time to spend too much, drink too much, eat too much, smile falsely, dig down deep to try and find "good cheer," battle crowds, try to find parking in over-crowded lots, ignore surly clerks, bartenders, waiters, valets, and parking lot attendants, all in the pursuit of that moment of happiness known throughout the world as...dun, dun, dun: the Holidays. Has there ever been a time
more suited to tapping into snark? With commentary, jokes, and quotes regarding Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, New Year's; on bad presents, worse in-laws, horrible children, and much more glorious excess. Enjoy such rotten sugar plums as:
- "Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people once a year."--Victor Borge
- "If someone screws up on their gift, there are seven more days to correct it...No awkward explanations of virgin birth...No Irving Berlin songs."--Among the Top Ten Reasons to Love Hanukkah
- "What I don't like about office Christmas parties is looking for a job the next day."--Phyllis Diller
The Snark Handbook: Christmas Edition is destined to be a holiday classic.