Things to Come gives you an overview of what the Bible teaches concerning "last days," including events, personalities, geographical locations (both on earth and in heaven), as well as motivating physical and spiritual forces that will be prevalent during the final days of mankind's existence on earth.
The theological term for what we will be discussing is eschatology, which means "the study of last things or days." However, by design, there are few theological terms in this writing, because the basic truths of eschatology should be understood by the average church member who wishes to have a working knowledge of things yet to happen.
Our study begins at the rapture, carries us through the Tribulation Period, the Battle of Armageddon, and ultimately to the Eternal State of the believer and the unbeliever. By the time you finish reading, you should have a good idea of what the Bible tells us about what is ahead concerning "the Blessed Hope."