9This book was written to be used as a foundation for a movement to raise the consciousness of citizens of the world. The fact is, - "Hurt people hurt people, but Blessed people, Bless people""When people are functioning from a position of higher level of consciousness, - (strong self-love, they believe in themselves and their ability to get what they desire, they are not affected by other people's definition of them, they see the good in all people, they takes personal responsibility for their actions and results, they view life from a position of abundance, they believe in treating people fairly, their respect themselves and the views of others, they believe that everyone is entitled to their own believes and personal freedom)." it would not allow them to knowingly hurt another human being." "One can't legislate morality - otherwise jails would have prevented crime, and illness and early, untimely death, would have deterred the use and abuse of illegal drugs. People will change only there is a change in consciousness"Our world has enough natural resources, and definitely more than enough money to satisfy the basic needs of every living human being - food, clothing, shelter and drinking water, what we lack is love, socially conscientious leadership, a renewed sense of morality, dignity for life in all of its forms, and common respect of the rights of people to make decisions that pleases themselves, as long as their decisions do not impede the rights of others.While many people see negative effects when groups of people are disenfranchised due to race, gender, religion and social class, the solutions they offer, - education, and or jobs, while good intentioned, only address the symptoms of the problems. The quality of life for human as we have been accustomed to is being threatened by the decrease of clean (healthy) drinking water, the increased pollution of the oceans, reduction to the rain forest, increase in impure air, damage to farmlands for agriculture and life stock, destruction to vital species such as bees, and climate change, crime and violence, just to name a few. These issues collectively over time in addition to the change of the need for labor due to the developments in technologies will cause major shifts in population movements in search of work, food and a better quality of life.What is needed to solve the many issues we al facing is Influential, inspirational leadership, a mass change in consciousness, and positive alternatives to support the required change.This book was written as my contribution to jump-start the mass change of consciousness.