d the Future of Work Disruption explores the impact of emerging technologies in career paths, including technologies such as 3D printing, alternative energies, autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence, biotech, Internet of Things, nanotechnology, space exploration, super materials, robotics, and virtual reality. Written without technical jargon, Disruption guides the reader through a fascinating journey of the new world around the corner. Based on widely validated scientific facts, this book paints a picture of what the industry landscape will be like from 2020 onward. This is what readers of the draft manuscript are saying: "One of the best primers on emerging technology available anywhere." "A window into the work and career opportunities for the decade to come". "It is clear to me now that traditional career paths are about to experience some serious disruption." "A real eye opener." "A great tool for the global STEM movement." "A bit frightening, but inspiring nevertheless." "I wouldn't be surprised if this book is cited as the inspiration behind some prominent techies a few years down the road." Disruption is a must-read for entrepreneurs, business executives, parents, students, teachers, career guides, analysts, and anyone in an advisory or decision-making capacity.