serve many excellent qualities coming together. Many of his qualities seem to be very different from one another, such as power and humility, or sovereignty over all things and submission to the Father. This diversity leads to two very different scriptural designations for him: Lion and Lamb. In The Excellency of Christ, Jonathan Edwards makes the point that these diverse qualities should move people to admire the Lord Jesus Christ on a high level. Edwards maintains that especially at the cross, we see Christ exhibiting both his powerful lion-like might and his sacrificial lamb-like humility. When people really grasp those diverse qualities coming together at the same time and in such a powerful way, it should engender true, heart-felt worship. The Excellency of Christ is a masterpiece of biblical exposition, helping people meditate well on all the glory of Jesus. This version is updated to modern English so that readers today can experience the glory of the message without the burden of untangling Edward's lengthy sentences.