8The focus of ASL to English: Say it Like They Mean It, is not about how we, the interpreters, think the English interpretation should be presented, but rather, how would an English speaking consumer with no understanding of Deaf Culture best understand the voiced message. The task of producing an appropriate interpretation from ASL to English is often noted as being the more difficult of the two interpreting tasks. With only two years in most interpreter education programs, students may not have a full comprehension of what is expected in ASL to English interpretation.This book looks at difficulties and issues that can arise as interpreters work between ASL and English, with exercises at the end of every chapter. ASL to English Interpretation: Say It Like They Mean It will not only give students currently studying interpreting an opportunity to learn how to interpret from ASL to English, but will also give students the opportunity to discuss and work on the task of the English interpretation with their teacher and fellow students.This book is identical to ISBN 0-916883-38-8, it is just perfect-bound instead of spiral-bound, which required a new ISBN.