2This is a reprint of the first comic book created by black artists, writers and publisher, jam-packed with fast action, African Adventure, good clean humor and fantasy. Every brush stroke and pen line in the drawings on these pages are by negro artists. This publication is another milestone in the splendid history of negro journalism.But in this first issue we meet Ace Harlem (a detective), the Dew Dillies (pixie-like children), Lion Man (jungle defender) and Sugarfoot (Amos and Andy type humor). There is also a two-page text story, a one page humor strip, and a quartet of funnies called Hep Chicks on Parade. I would have loved to see Ace Harlem continue and what the artwork would have developed as in Lion Man. And I think that Hep Chicks is funny, regardless of time period.These books are constantly updated with the best version Enjoy a nostalgic trip down memory lane with the best titles from the golden age of comics. Lovingly remastered these timeless classics with vivid color correction, image restoration and has also added an enhanced reading experience with Kindle Panel View he comic reprints from are reproduced from actual classic comics, and sometimes reflect the imperfection of books that are decades old