2"I was a burned-out pastor and counselor when I heard Jesus say, 'Come to me... Recover your life.'"With the help of Dallas Willard who personally mentored him, Bill Gaultiere became Jesus' apprentice and learned how to live and minister to others in God's peace and power. With real-life stories, fresh Biblical insights, and practical steps he invites you to enjoy "Your Best Life in Jesus' Easy Yoke."When Dallas saw the first version of this book he remarked, "This is groundbreaking! Pastors and others will come under this teaching and develop aspects of it in their own ministry." Bill does a fantastic job of helping people understand how to live relaxed, yet empowered lives in the Father's world."Bobby Schuller, Pastor of Hour of Power" Eventually our well runs dry. Perhaps we dug into the arid ground of perfectionism, anxiety, overwork, or self-promotion. Here's a map to show us where to dig deeply into the well-spring of God's sustaining grace. I am so grateful for Bill Gaultiere, who lived Easy Yoke before he wrote it. He's helped countless harried leaders - like me! - drink from the life-giving waters of Jesus." Larry Winger, CEO of Provision Ministries"I took my pastoral staff and elders through Easy Yoke." Steve Phillips, Lead Pastor of The Journey Church