5Skincare is self-care. This guide book helps you get to know and improve your skin health with useful tips and recommendations for using everyday ingredients and skin products in a super simple, unique-to-you ritual. Vicky Tsai, founder of Tatcha Skin Care, is sharing generations-old, time-tested Japanese skincare traditions with you
. No matter how you customize it, all you need is two minutes and four steps
Purify, Polish, Prep, and Nourish. But
Pure Skin isn't just about basic skincare, it's also about a lifestyle; it begins with how you eat and even how you sleep. You'll also learn about:
East vs. West: Learn why spot treatment and quick fixes never make lasting changes
A Silken Path to Softer Skin: Pamper yourself with silk in five different ways
What's Your Skincare Psyche?: Discover your skincare personality and what treatment will work for you
Sheet Masks Demystified: Indulge in this scientifically-proven beauty trend once a week
Ingredients to Believe In: Use the six traditional ingredients found in Japanese skincare
The Japanese Diet for Clear Skin: Feed your skin with the trinity of Japanese superfoods