The Argyle Sweater comics bring a surreal, slow-burn laugh to every day.
In Scott Hillburn's surreal world, animals talk, politicians tell the truth, and everyday events unfold in weird and hilarious ways.
The Argyle Sweater 2025 Day-to-Day Calendar reimagines and reshapes pop culture, relationships, and history in pun-filled, full-color comic panels.
Features include:
- No single-use plastic
- Recyclable chipboard easel backer for desk or tabletop display
- Page size: 5.354" x 4.488"
- Easel backer for desk or tabletop display
- Printed on FSC certified paper with soy-based ink
- Full-color tear-off pages
- Back of pages contain Daily Extra content such as puzzles, jokes, quotations
- Day/Date reference on each page
- Combined weekend pages
- Official major world holidays and observances
- Back of pages contain Daily Extra content such as puzzles, jokes, quotations, and trivia
- A new The Argyle Sweater comic on every page