Green's touching narrative celebrates the reader for their strength and resilience as they journey through life, and most prominently the relationship they have with themselves.
"Perfection is an idea you have in your mind of something you think will hold the key to happiness. And when you can't seem to reach the unreachable state of perfection, you start blaming yourself, rejecting yourself, and punishing the physical parts of yourself you believe to be holding you back. You start to change, you start to run, you forget who you are, you get so lost in a storm of self-destruction that you can no longer see reality. You shrink and hide in all the dark places because you think your body, your face, your personality are letting you down. You turn to behaviours and habits that keep you from remembering that you don't fit into the person you're so desperate to be. But you forget that you are only ever supposed to fit into the person you already are."