of One State, a totalitarian society whose inhabitants live passionless lives under the all-powerful 'Benefactor'. However, when D-503 discovers that he has an individual soul, everything changes. Set in the twenty-sixth century, "We" is the dystopian science fiction novel that inspired George Orwell's famous "1984" and was the first work to be banned by the Soviet censorship board. A frightfully thought-provoking dystopian novel not to be missed by fans of speculative fiction. Yevgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin (1884-1937) was a Russian author who wrote science fiction and political satire. Other notable works by this author include: "Robert Maier" (1922), "Gerbert Uells" (1922), and "On Literature, Revolution, and Entropy" (1924). Read & Co. is republishing this classic science fiction novel in an affordable, modern, high-quality edition complete with an Introductory Chapter from H. G. Wells' "The Revolution And Famine In Russia".