5This is a tale of love, intrigue, self-worth, cheating and abuse An epic battle for her life and the man who walked away from it all. This is my story I chose to put my life on paper to help others. I am a survivor This is how I did it. Each day we're faced with things that we're unable to explain or even find the words to tell another. Fear plays a pivotal role in many of our lives. We walk in fear, live in fear and some of us even die in fear. The key is to stare fear in the eyes and live. This is what I have done. With these pages, I paint a picture of what it really means to be a survivor and how to move on from all that has befallen you in life. Walk with me Take this first step to learning that there is in fact another way. We're an amazing race of creatures and with that said, there is nothing that we cannot conquer. All we need is guidance. That is my destiny This is my life's goal To teach each and everyone who is willing to take this opportunity for a better way of life. We're not meant to be slaves, victims or punching bags. We are meant to be free. Give me a chance to show you that after abuse, you can live, love, smile and even laugh again. Everything is possible when you believe in you