3Harriet is a vampire, somewhere around her mid four-hundreds, and is literally a perpetual student. Despite having been around since before the Salem witch trials, she has no idea what she wants to do with the rest of her eternity. During one of her lectures, a gunman comes in and shoots her lecturer, which is annoying because they are short staffed enough as it is. Although Mr. Jones is a demon and can't die, his biggest concern is the bullet hole in his head and having to apply for a new passport.
Harriet needs to solve her lecturer's non-murder, work out who would want to kill someone who can't die, and somehow make it through her degree. She reluctantly drags along her overenthusiastic friend, the grumpy werewolf who runs the local coffee shop, and a teenage witch hell bent on revolution.
She isn't sure how she ended up trying to solve a murder, but anything would be better than writing her dissertation.