e, "Benny told us we are staying with you for a holiday." Bet looked at Benny, who signalled for the girls to come to him. Looking at the two small girls, he swallowed hard.
When he had their attention, he said grimly, "No girls, I have brought you here to live with Auntie Bet and Uncle Bertie, because if I had not taken you away, then they would have killed you."
Diane frowned, "They? Who are they?"
Benny replied, "Your mum and dad."
Benny explained that when he came to collect them, their mother said, "Take them, or I will kill them. I've had enough; I don't want them in my sight." Diane gasped and grabbed Jo's hand.
This is the true story about two small girls who suffered neglect and appalling abuse at the hands of the people who should have been caring for them; their parents.