0Adventures of Noushky and Lubit: The Quest for Courage is a story of a brave little girl, Noushky, who overcomes her fears to keep her imagination alive. Half a year ago, Noushky and her best friend Lubit, moved to a new country, leaving behind all that they held dear to their hearts. Continuously struggling to cope with the culture and the new life, Noushky feels scared and alone, with only Lubit to keep her company. Things change when Uncle Sucky comes to visit. He leaves behind his magical wristwatch for the duo to discover. A week later, the watch ushers Noushky and Lubit into Dream's garden, a figment of their imagination. There, they learn about the troubles of their imaginary friends and the crisis that only Noushky can help resolve. With Lubit and Dog at her side, Noushky embarks on a dangerous mission to save Dream's garden from the Nightmares.