6Landos. A vibrant, multispecies metropolis inhabited by a kaleidoscope of characters. Dwarves and trolls usually maintained a respectful distance, but when a clandestine union produces a miraculous outcome, Landos is divided and the rulers act swiftly...and harshly. That was then. And now, will the committee ever stop squabbling and attend to the needs of the city? Will the good(ish) citizens of Landos ever realise that their true leader is an imbecile? Will the brew-swigging patrons of trendy troll bar, The Hard Rock Cave, ever hold an intelligent conversation? Unlikely. Even a somewhat despondent evolution gave up (and that was before the beer was introduced). Svelt loved to venture into the city when he wasn't working on the farm-usually without any incident-but this time would be very different. A murdered wizard, a beautiful elf, a strange map. In addition to fighting against time, Svelt must also escape the clutches of a deadly messenger, follow the directions of a mischievous observer, and even avoid the surprisingly short, incompetent arm of the law in his reluctant pursuit of the mysterious artefact.