In this adorable chapter book series that School Library Journalsaid is for "kids who love funny stories but may be too young for books like -Diary of a Wimpy Kid," space-school attendee Bob and his alien bestie Beep star in hilarious intergalactic adventures. Astro Elementary is a school near Saturn attended by the bravest, brightest, most elite kids in the galaxy...and Bob. Bob never wanted to go to fourth grade in dark, dangerous space. He even tried to fail the admissions test by bubbling in "C" for every answer--and turned out to be the only kid on Earth to get a perfect score
Bob feels he couldn't be more misplaced at his school--until he meets Beep. Beep is an alien from the planet Orth who was kicked off his home world for being too small. The instant Bob finds him, Beep adopts Bob as his new mother. Soon Bob can't turn around without bumping into Beep's squishy little body. Together, they make the perfect team. And Bob logs their adventures on his space blog, or SPLOG, with Beep providing the illustrations
This stellar bind-up includes:
Too Much Space Party Crashers Take Us to Your Sugar Double Trouble