ng series The Last Kids on Earth, this hilarious middle grade adventure follows a young boy thrust into the world of selling hot dogs in space!
Over the course of one very strange night, Cosmoe went from being an adventure-seeking, thirteen-year-old Earthling orphan to a hot-dog-slinging space traveler. He has all the adventure he once craved and more aboard the
Neon Wiener--part spaceship, part food truck--selling their trademark "Galactic Hot Dogs."
Cosmoe and the rest of the crew journey to food competitions across the universe serving up the wildly popular wieners...until they gain a troublesome stowaway. The half-evil, half-awesome Princess Dagger doesn't plan on going anywhere, and her presence on the ship means her
all-evil mother is gunning for the
Neon Wiener.
Cosmoe rallies his friends to fight space jerks in all their many forms and vows to protect the princess. But can a group of hot dog enthusiasts face down an evil space queen?